Frequently asked Questions

General FAQ's

What is Worksheet Director?

Worksheet Director is a Microsoft Azure Marketplace add-in that helps to manage and control bi-directional data flow between Excel Sheets and several other applications like Insightly, Hubspot, MySql, MongoDB, etc.

Privacy Related

Can Jivrus employees access data in the connected app accounts?

No, All the service details are stored in the customer's Excel Sheet only. And we don't have any access to the Excel Sheet of customer.

Does the app have access to all data in the connected app accounts, or just the areas where the user "points to"?

We are using industry-standard authorization types such as OAuth1, OAtuh2, etc. And it is a scope-based authorization so the Worksheet Director has only access to the scope which we are asking for while authorization.

Can Jivrus employees access data in the Workbook?

No. we cannot access the data until or unless the customer explicitly shares the Workbook with us.